Hi! My name is Lacy!
I am a storyteller. My work includes video essays, podcasts, video games, and illustration. I use my wide expertise with the digital to create engaging, interesting and fun experiences!
Here are some frequently asked questions that I just made up:
Where do you get your inspiration?
I take a lot of inspiration from animation; the works of Hayao Miyazaki, Pendleton Ward, Shinichirō Watanabe, and Rebecca Sugar have all informed my work. I am also a kid of the 90’s: designs from video games, hip-hop, punk, and pro wrestling populate many corners of my mind.
Tell us about your journey.
Growing up, I constantly had new hobbies. I made wrestling simulators, drew posters for pretend movies, created board games and even wrote poetry for a time. But it wasn’t until I got to college that I realized that I could really be what I wanted to be: everything! I’ve never wanted to be limited in the work I do, which is why designing stuff appeals to me so much. Design requires at least a little knowledge about every part of a project and I really enjoy new learning experiences.
I think being a stay-at-home parent has honed my design-mind: I’ve had to learn a lot about how to raise children, but also about the things they find interesting. Kids have such expansive imaginations, and I love helping them to realize those big ideas to the best of our abilities.
Who are your personal heroes?
- I really admire the work of Cas Holman, particularly because she doesn’t treat children as if they are incapable. Her toys encourage creativity, innovation, and even a little danger.
- I’ve always followed Hideo Kojima’s work as he tends to portray complicated humans as multi-dimensional, and he’s not afraid to get weird with it.
- Shirley Manson of Garbage astounds me. Not only does their music speak to me, but her commitment to being herself out loud and without apology is amazing! Plus, the band was started in my home state, so that’s kinda cool.
Why do you like this work?
My brain is full of ideas; I love using those ideas! I also love expanding my understanding of the universe. Technology plays a key role in the work I do. I am so proud of what I’ve learned so far through design, and I look forward to what I can do in the future.
Please let me make your project weirder ;-P
💜 Lacy LeFae 💜